February 17, 2009


Now that you’ve categorized your wardrobe, you should be left with only the “yes” pile to now put back in your closet and organize.

The first step to a better closet is putting all of your clothes back on the right hangers. Never use wire hangers; they are your enemy. If you have them now, throw them out! They cause heavier clothes to sag, causing the garment to become distorted or even leaving wire marks! Ew! Many of you may keep those wire hangers that you get when you pick up your dry cleaning, because hey! Free hangers! But just say no, and throw them away! If you slowly want to change your hangers out, you’d be surprised at how many department stores will let you keep your hangers when you checkout. Just remember to ask to keep them!

Clear plastic ones are best for all types of clothing. You can buy boxes of these at places like The Container Store, Target, and Bed, Bath, and Beyond. Wooden hangers are nice, but can be expensive and end up taking up too much space. Target even sells thin velveteen coated hangers that I love! Nothing ever slips off of them, and they don’t take up much room; which equals more clothes! They are called “huggable hangers”. It is the black one in the picture on the right.

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